Fifteen Ways Technology will Change Education
As defined by Wikipedia, education is a process of facilitating learning, skills or habits. As such, to make learning easier, there is need to keep evolving. It’s begun already, at least after a fashion, in the sense that the tools that will transform the way we learn in classrooms are already available. In most cases, it is already in use by experts in other fields of human endeavour. What we will experience in the future is more adaptation of these tools for education.
1.0 Through mobile learning
Just as we arrived at the tip of the last century, mobile devices became more accessible. Tablets and smartphones now come in different shapes and sizes, and a plethora of applications for this awesome creation of science. According to the Pew Center for Research, 73% of teenagers have access to smartphones. Imagine the possibilities of learning from samples of numerous essays from MyEssayGeek.
In the future, we see a classroom where these devices become an important learning tool, not just in the kids’ rooms at home but right in the classroom, with their teachers’ approval and under their supervision.
2.0 Wi-Fi connectivity
More institutions across the globe are making Wi-Fi available. However, educators are beginning a discussion where pupils in elementary classes could benefit from it. Then, we will have real-time sharing of information and learning activities will be transformed exponentially with this technology.
3.0 Virtual and Augmented Reality
Students will be able to benefit from the technology of virtual and augmented reality when they can sit in their classrooms. The reach of this particular technology will be unprecedented. With it, pupils can learn in much more details topics which hitherto have not been able to cross the threshold of theory into something that most can relate with real life.
4.0 AI
Edtech companies are now realizing how important AI can be in the learning environment. Already, one professor Ashok Goel has created a Chatbot that helps him and his associates answer more intriguing questions in class. Artificial intelligence will surely be an awesome addition to tools for learning in school.
5.0 All Students will have Devices
In the school of the future, all students will have a device; a tablet or a smartphone, or it could even be a laptop. Schools will have their own customized Engagement Management System like Classcraft. Learning will be much more fun. Right now some educators make use of Gamification in teaching.
6.0 Homework and Projects Submission Online
As learning incorporates other fun methods it will not be hard for pupils to get with the trend. It will only be an extension of what goes on in class when after concluding a homework all a pupil needs to do is upload his or her work via apps like Dropbox, or some school-specific program like Schoology.
7.0 Online Posting of Grades
One benefit of this is that it will make parents take an active interest in school stuff, as they’d have access to a section of the school portal where their kid’s grade is shared. The benefits for students include the motivation to want to do their best.
8.0 Classes Will Hold Online
Winter months can have students snowed in. Teachers too can be absent and unavailable in the class for the same reason. In the future, technology will correct this problem when classes can be held online with tools like YouTube or Google Hangouts. This way, pupils never miss out and teachers can meet curricular targets.
9.0 The Keyboard
Educators are in a discussion already where they are looking at including Keyboarding in the curriculum, like other subjects. We can anticipate a future where students are into the use of the keyboard as much as they use their pen and paper.
10.0 Customized Websites for Classes
This is some sort of a digital version of classes. Like Wikipedia, classes are uploaded and downloaded by students for reference any time they want to. Class videos link to materials for assignments and homework or even classwork. Students who miss classes can have access to them so they never really miss a thing.
11.0 Sharing Completed classwork on-line
In the future classwork will be shared online, just like certain research institutions do, uploading the result of their researches so that others from around the world can benefit from their work. Through this avenue, students can share perspectives on subjects, get feedback and assist one another in the learning process.
12.0 Note Taking with a Difference
Notes will be taken on tablets and iPads. Such applications like Evernote, notability and OneNote will assume important places on the learning process. A wide range of uses which include note-taking and drawing of diagrams in biology classes will be done on these devices.
13.0 Web-based Account for Students
Google is doing a great job unifying its various platforms. Education in the future will follow suit. Students will have email accounts that will serve endless purposes like corresponding with other students, and teachers.
14.0 3D printing
Students will be extremely delighted to be able to print 3D models of what is being taught in classrooms and from textbooks. Students can enjoy learning more when they can experience subjects in 3D instead of the traditional two-dimension.
15.0 Cloud Computing
Cloud computing will change the way countries hugely manage education. It will change the way students school too. We are going to witness in the future, fewer backpacks and less textbook bearing kids and students. The cloud will be a digital library just a click away, dispensing with Library cards.