Kenneth Loeb Discusses Why Flexible Office Space is Necessary for Commercial Properties After Covid-19

Ottawa businessman, Kenneth Loeb also known as Ken Loeb, has successfully redeveloped many commercial properties during his career and understands the complex concepts at play…

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William Cafarella Believes Auto Sales are Going to Shift as The Travel Industry Improves

The travel industry has made significant shifts over the last few years due to mobility restrictions and the economic downturn. In this same time period,…

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Abe Issa Takes a Look at the Most Exciting EV Releases of 2021

Born in Lebanon, Abe Issa, former CEO of EnviroSolar, escaped massive political unrest and military conflict in his native country as a young child. Settling…

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Advantages of Monthly interest on Fixed Deposits

Fixed Deposit monthly income plans offer assured returns every month at higher interest rates than savings accounts, while keeping your lump sum safe and secure.…

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How COVID-19 Affected The Decision-Making of Beauty Consumers

After a year of lockdown and home quarantine, beauty consumers have altered their decision-making and spending habits. During this time, we have started prioritizing our…

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