Ronnie Coleman Workout Routine and Diet Plan

3 min read

Ronnie Coleman is a proficient American bodybuilder who has earned the title of Mr. Olympia for eight consecutive years and won IFBB twenty-six times. His videos such as On the Road and The Cost of Redemption illustrates his workout routine very well. If you are curious about the routine followed by Ronnie Coleman, stay tuned because we’ll soon discuss his day-to-day workout routine with his diet plan.

Ronnie Coleman Body Measurements

Before we begin his workout routine, let’s have a look at his current body measurements :

  • Ronnie Coleman Height: 5’11”
  • Ronnie Coleman Weight: 300 lb
  • Ronnie Coleman Born: May 13, 1964

Ronnie Coleman Workout Routine

His workout routine is based on a heavyweight with low repetitions technique. He follows a six-day routine with rest on the last day of the week. His formula to maintain his massive body size is concentrating on one particular area at a sole day. Let’s start his full week routine with proper exercises.

Monday – Back, Biceps & Shoulders

To maintain his back, biceps, and shoulders muscles, he performs 12 different types of exercises at an average of 10-12 reps. He prefers to perform 3-4 sets of each exercise. Here is the list of exercises he follows.

  • Front dumbbell press
  • Seated dumbbell press
  • Military presses
  • Cable curls
  • Preacher curls
  • Seated alternating dumbbell curls
  • Barbell curls
  • One-arm dumbbell rows
  • T-bar rows
  • Barbell rows
  • Deadlifts

Tuesday – Legs workout

On Tuesday, he hits his target by following five different types of exercises. Starting his schedule with Squats, he continues it with different types of exercises.

  • Squats
  • Seated leg Curls
  • Stiff leg Deadlifts
  • parking lot lunges
  • Leg presses

Wednesday – Chest & Triceps Workout

Now comes the train to strengthen the chest and triceps. A blend of 7 different exercises is followed by him to gain his massive physique. Here is the list of his favorite exercises.

  • Close-grip bench press
  • Seated dumbbell extensions
  • Seated cambered-bar extensions
  • Flat bench flyes
  • Flat bench dumbbell press
  • Incline barbell press
  • Bench press

Thursday – Back, Biceps & Shoulders

Ronnie gives more stress to his back, biceps, and shoulders. Therefore he works on it for two days a week but with a different set of exercises. Each exercise of 4 sets at an average of 10-12 reps is followed by him to hit his target.

  • Low Pulley Rows
  • Lat machine pulldowns
  • Front lat pulldowns
  • Incline alternating dumbbell curls
  • Machine curls
  • Standing cable curls
  • Front lateral dumbbell raises
  • Machine raises

Friday – Legs workout

Five different types of exercises are followed to keep his legs strong.

  • Leg extensions
  • Front squats
  • Hack squats
  • Standing leg curls
  • Lying leg curls

Saturday – Calves, Chest & Triceps

Time to get your calves, chest, and triceps in proper shape. Here is the list of exercises.

  • Incline dumbbell press
  • Incline dumbbell flyes
  • Decline barbell press
  • Decline dumbbell press
  • Skullcrushers
  • Machine pressdown dips
  • Seated tricep extensions
  • Crunches
  • Seated raises
  • Donkey raises

Sunday is the rest day to heal his torn muscles. So this was all about Ronnie Coleman’s Workout Routine. To maintain his massive body size, he prefers to eat staple food. Additionally, his other diet items include beans, eggs, vegetables, rice, and much more.

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