Where Do I Go for Colorado Divorce Advice?
It’s common to seek advice when you’re dealing with challenging issues. Insight from others can help you make appropriate decisions or resolve conflicts in the least painful way possible. You may seek advice to resolve a dispute with a colleague or address personal issues, such as marital problems.
Every year, millions of people get divorced. Almost half of all married couples go through divorce proceedings before reaching their 20th wedding anniversary. Dividing property and settling child custody can complicate the divorce process. While friends, family members, and professionals, such as therapists, may offer personal advice, you may also need legal advice to deal with a divorce. Let’s look at some of the sources you can turn to when navigating a divorce in Colorado.
Therapy can help you prepare for divorce proceedings.
A marriage and family therapist can offer you a safe space to discuss your feelings and explore your options. Talking to a therapist is a way to receive impartial guidance as you determine whether you should get divorced. You can also work through other issues related to your divorce, ensuring you understand how minor children may respond to the divorce and what steps you can take to help them through the process.
Friends and family can offer support.
Talking to friends or family who live nearby is a crucial step when you’re contemplating divorce. Your friends and family members may know others who’ve been through a divorce and have practical suggestions. You may also need to find a place to stay while negotiating property division and division of assets from your spouse. You may need friends and family members for emotional support.
You’ll need to talk to a divorce lawyer.
When you’re seeking Colorado divorce advice, you can use a free legal advice locator tool. The tool prompts you to identify the type of legal counsel you need. Identify the nature of your legal needs and your ZIP code. The tool presents relevant divorce information for people who live in your state, ensuring you understand Colorado law and how it could affect your divorce. For example, Colorado is a no-fault divorce state. With a no-fault divorce, you don’t have to have legal grounds to blame your spouse for the failure of your marriage. The tool also offers links to online legal services you can use.
A web search can produce a list of family law firms in your area. Search for a family law attorney with years of experience handling divorce cases. Lawyers offer free consultations, ensuring clients find a divorce attorney they’re comfortable hiring to handle their legal matters.
Your divorce lawyer can help you secure spousal support, child support, and child custody. Your attorney can also help you enter a legal separation, ensuring your legal rights are protected while you’re finalizing your divorce. They can also help you split up property or help you with more complex legal matters, such as securing a protection order if you’ve experienced domestic violence. Divorce attorneys understand how the legal system works and all the steps to be taken while ending a marriage.
You may benefit from seeing a mediator.
Mediators help parties resolve legal matters without going to trial. Mediation’s a standard step during divorce cases, and working with a mediator can save you time and money. You’ll discuss your interests and concerns with your mediator. They’ll also meet with your spouse to discuss their concerns. The mediator attempts to find common ground and build a legal agreement that satisfies both parties.
Successful mediation can address property division and child custody. The parties can hire the mediator to draft their legal agreement and file it with the courts, enabling the court to finalize the terms of your divorce.
If you’re considering or pursuing a divorce, you may benefit from receiving advice and support from friends and family members. You may also benefit from consulting professionals, such as therapists, divorce lawyers, and mediators. These professionals can help you navigate your divorce and resolve legal matters related to the termination of your marriage.