
what is wellhealthorganic.com: which-is-better-hot-water-or-cold-water-bath?
You will turn your shower to colder water as the weather warms up. As the temperatures drop, the water temperature in the bath will also decrease. A cool shower in summer can be refreshing, while a warm shower in winter can be quite relaxing. Have you ever considered what is best for you? There is no one right or wrong answer. According to Ayurveda hot water should be used to bathe your body, while cold water should only be used to wash your head. When deciding between hot or cold water, there are many factors to consider, including the individual’s age and constitution, habits, disease, season, and any other conditions.
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Let’s have a closer look
Age: Both young children and the elderly will benefit more from a warm to hot water bath. A cold water bath is available for teenagers and those between 45-50 years old. A cold water bath is great for students who need to stay alert and able to concentrate on their studies.
Constitution: Ayurveda says there are three types doshas. You should not bathe in cold water if you are a pitta type. If your body type is Vata, Kapha, then a hot water shower will be better.
Habits can have an impact on the water temperature. A cold water bath is recommended if you prefer to take a bath in the morning. If you prefer to take a warm shower in the evenings, however, a cold water bath is recommended. It is ideal because the Vata Dosha dominates the evening. You should also bathe in hot water if you want to do some exercise before you take a bath.
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Diseases: You should not bathe in hot water if you have indigestion or liver problems. Hot water is recommended for those suffering from imbalances of the Vata and Kapha doshas. Vata imbalance can lead to foot, joint and arthritis pains. These diseases are caused by kapha imbalance and include allergies and respiratory disease.
Ayurvedic experts recommend alternate hot and cold baths. It is important to not bathe in too hot or cold water. This can cause skin problems and can lead to skin irritations. If you have any questions or concerns, you can always consult an expert to get the answers you need.
Source: wellhealthorganic.com: which-is-better-hot-water-or-cold-water-bath