Pachinko: Date of exit, molding and field
Pachinko, the well-liked epic historic novel of Min Jin Lee, receives a television adaptation. Thanks to Apple TV +, we can soon expect a show of similar ambitions. A stacked list of actors and directors, including the Korean Lee Min-Ho icon, has already been confirmed.
The ensuing is a multi-generational tale that the guard pronounced a “rich tribute to a people that the story seems to be an intention to erase”.
Pachinko: Cast and Field!
The main cast of the show was revealed last October, led by the actor of Korean south beloved Lee Min-Ho. The King’s star: Eternal Monarch will play Hansu. In addition, the Roman Center on the main protagonist Sunja, who will be played by Minari Star Yuh-Jung.
Meanwhile, Sunja Teenage will be played by Kim Min-Ha. Known for its roles in the Netflix devs and the production of Chicago de Hamilton, the American American actor will play Solomon, an ambitious young man tied up with his family.
Pachinko details the trip of a Korean family that moves to Japan in a period of occupation of the country of a Korea then has a unified Korean and their involvement in the Second World War. The story begins in 1883, but most of the story of the novel takes place from 1910 to 1989.
The main attraction of Pachinko is the effortless weaving of individual characters in this calendar. Its main protagonist is Sunja, whose journey to Japan in the midst of poverty reveals a deeply rooted sub-culotte of intolerance towards Koreans in the country. Its history get along Hansu’s life, a mysterious Korean merchant born in a rich Japanese family, as well as a crowd of Korean and Japanese characters.
Pachinko: Release date and trailer!
On January 26, 2022, Apple TV + announced that the first three episodes of Pachinko will be presented on the platform on March 25. Each subsequent episode will be awarded every Friday until the seizure of April 29th.
On January 26, Apple TV + confirmed that the series will consist of eight episodes. However, they did not announce its execution.