How Do I Know If I Have Anxiety?

2 min read

Dealing with anxiety is never fun. And sometimes you may not even know that what you are feeling is anxiety. However, there are some signs that clearly point to anxiety. Remember, if you ever feel like you are suffering from anxiety and need help, always consult a Phoenix anxiety therapist.

Stomach Issues

If you start to feel nauseous and nervous over things that are out of your control. This can be a symptom of anxiety. Yes, it is completely normal to get nervous from time to time, but if you notice it happening a lot and suffering from other issues such as indigestion and needing to frequent the bathroom, it could be more than just feeling nervous.

Irrational Fears

Another sign of anxiety is being obsessed with the outcome of events, especially ones that are out of your control. In addition, these irrational fears can make you undecided on many things. If you start noting that you can’t make decisions and start feeling an enormous amount of pressure to make decisions on the most simple things and then questioning it, you could be suffering from anxiety.

Breathing Issues

Anxiety attacks will sneak up on you and cause you to sweat and have shortness of breath. Also, your chest will start to feel tight. Don’t panic even more. Recognize that you are most likely suffering from an anxiety attack and try to calm down by taking deep breaths. It might take time for you to get your attack under control, but keep focusing on your breath and it should help you cope with your anxiety.

Other Symptoms

Insomnia, restlessness, and inability to concentrate are other signs of anxiety. Oftentimes, your mind and feelings are out of control, causing you to not sleep well. Also, being distracted by these thoughts can prevent you from concentrating on work and other important tasks throughout the day.

The first step to treating anxiety is to recognize that you are suffering from it. Then, start the process of learning how to deal with your anxiety through therapy and other tools.

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