Everything You Need To Know About Kidney Transplant
Kidneys are responsible for filtering waste, and minerals from the fluids in our body. However, if a kidney stops functioning properly, there may be massive amounts of fluid and waste accumulation in the body, and this can result in kidney dysfunction or failure. Kidney failure is the last stage of renal disease and herein the kidney loses about 90% of its functioning. People who are struggling with end-stage renal disease either require regular dialysis or a kidney transplant to help them remove the fluids and waste from their bodies. A kidney transplant is a highly sophisticated surgery and requires you to register with expert healthcare services in India.
The most common causes of chronic kidney diseases are diabetes, uncontrolled blood pressure, chronic glomerulonephritis, and polycystic kidney disease. A kidney transplant, however, is suggested in cases of kidney failure as a life involving regular dialysis and a strict diet is not something most people can abide by. When compared with such a life, a kidney transplant can help patients improve their quality of life, lower the death risk, help achieve dietary freedom, and a lower treatment cost as well. A kidney transplant is beneficial on various levels as a patient can also benefit from a preemptive kidney transplant. However, a kidney transplant isn’t always a suitable option. If the patient is advanced in age, has severe heart disease, active or recently treated cancer, suffers from dementia, has a history of alcohol or drug abuse, or suffers from any other ailment that can hinder the surgery and healing in the patient’s body.
If you wish to opt for a kidney transplant there are several things you need to take note of; the most important is getting the treatment from competent healthcare services in India.
How to prepare
The first step along the way is to select a treatment center that provides proper health care in Delhi. You can also enlist the help of your insurance provider and get a list of compatible hospitals that they recommend. While selecting a center for healthcare Mumbai based, you will need to check for the number of transplants they do each year, survival rate, and donation programs they have in place. You can shortlist a few centers through this criteria and then move ahead with the one that you can afford.
Before you begin the procedure, you will be tested on the following basis to check if the donor kidney is compatible with you or not.
- Blood test to check if the blood type of the donor matches the patient and if not, what medical assistance will be required to make it work.
- Tissue test to compare the genetic markers and ensure that the body does not reject the kidney.
- Crossmatch to sample both the blood types and check if the antibodies in the patient’s blood react to the antigens in the blood of the donor. If the crossmatch is negative, the chances of the patient’s body rejecting the donor kidney are very slim; however, if the crossmatch is positive, the doctor will provide further medical assistance to make it work.
Now that you are well-versed with what happens during a kidney transplant, it is time you select a competent center to avail the best healthcare in India.