5 Ways CBD Can Provide Relief from Work Stress

2 min read

The world of work has changed a lot in recent times, and change can be really tough to manage. If your job has pushed you to take on new responsibilities, or if you find the folks around you are struggling with stress and putting pressure on you, CBD can help.

1) Build Focus First Thing

While a full dose of CBD may make you drowsy and reduce the time it takes to get to sleep, a small or micro dose in the morning can make it much easier to focus. If you tend to wake up slowly and deal with muddy thoughts, a small sublingual dose or a puff or two on a vaping pen can make it much easier to shed unhelpful mental scripts as you prepare for your day. For those who work out early in the day, a small dose of CBD can reduce post workout pain.

2) Energize Your Coffee Break Without Getting Edgy

Any sublingual oil that you can take under the tongue can be added to your morning coffee. Take care not to use a full dose as it may cause drowsiness. You can also put a drop or two in a smoothie, or add CBD isolate powder to your smoothie powder to mix with water or milk at the office.

3) Take a Capsule with Lunch

A small capsule taken with healthy fats over your lunch break can be a great CBD for stress fighting tool. Carefully monitor yourself after a capsule; some find that too much CBD can cause diarrhea. You may want to try your CBD capsule with dinner or on the weekend to make sure that you don’t get too much and find yourself needing a nap.

4) Unwind at Home

Give yourself a spa treatment when you get home. Kick off your shoes, wash your face and apply a bit of CBD cream on your face and neck. CBD products are

  • high in antioxidants
  • effective at reducing inflammation
  • helpful in fighting bacterial infections

If you struggle with acne, red patches, or just tired skin, CBD creams and lotions can offer relief and even out your skin tone.

5) Relax Before Bed

Fix yourself a cool cup of herbal tea before bed and add a dropper of CBD to wind down to sleep. If you usually use a sublingual dose before bed, cut it in half and put the other half in your tea. Ingested CBD products take time to act on your nervous system. If you find CBD helps you fall asleep but sometimes you struggle to stay asleep, adding edible CBD to your nighttime routine can extend your shut-eye.

A CBD dose from a trustworthy place like HempFusion can be a wonderful way to take the sharp edges off stressful situations. Many of us are under a lot of pressure, and it’s possible to make poor choices at the end of a bad day. If you are looking for ways to shed work stress gently, CBD offers a lot of options.

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