Tips To Take Care Of A Mattress

5 min read

There are many mattress companies offering products to help you maintain your current mattress for as long as possible. Many people have been able to keep their bedding for many years by following these tips to take care of a new mattress. It is important to remember that certain chemicals that are used in the process can be harmful to you and your overall health, so be sure to research the materials before buying a new mattress.

The most important thing that you should do when it comes to caring for your new mattress is to be patient. Buying a mattress is a big investment, so you must give yourself the time to find the perfect one for your needs. This means that you should spend some time researching the various makes and models. If you find a mattress that seems to be perfect for your situation, then don’t buy it right away. This will help you save money if you decide that you need to replace your mattress in the future.

Avoid Storing It In A Hot Area

Some tips to take care of a new mattress are to avoid storing it in a hot area. You should also avoid using heavy blankets or pillows to lay on top of the mattress. Heavy items will only weigh the mattress down, which can lead to sagging in the long run. This is especially true if you have purchased an air mattress because they allow for a much more free flow of air than other models.

When it comes to cleaning your mattress, there are three main methods that you can use. 

  • One method involves using specialized vacuums that are designed to clean mattresses. 
  • Another method uses specially designed wipes that are meant for cleaning mattresses. 
  • And lastly, you can use specialized sprays and creams to care for your new mattress. 

These tips to take care of a new mattress will help you make sure that you are getting the most out of your investment as well as keeping your mattress in good shape.

Vacuum cleaning your mattress regularly will help to keep it clean and dust-free. It will also help to get rid of any allergens and bacteria that may be floating around in the air. A vacuum that has continuous rotation is best. However, it may not be practical for everyone to purchase a vacuum. There are numerous options available for those who own at least one air mattress.

Using a special mattress protector is very important. This is a fluid-type product that prevents dust, pollen, and everyday dirt from penetrating the surface of your mattress and settling into the bedding. These fluids will clog the smallest and easiest routes that dust and dirt can take. Dust is often the culprit when it comes to causing bedding and mattress to become stained. A damp mattress is a perfect habitat and breeding ground for mold and mildew.

One of the easiest and most time-efficient ways to take care of a mattress and its accompanying covers is by vacuum regularly. It is important to remove all the dust, soil, and grime from the mattress every week. A damp or dirty mattress is just as bad for allergy sufferers as a dirty one that is covered in dust and dead skin cells. You should not place your mattress directly on the floor and also avoid sleeping on the floor as it is more likely to get dust on your mattress from the floor.

It is important to remember that all mattresses are not the same and it is not the job of a mattress to take care of itself. It is up to the owner to do what they can with the information that they have and to make wise decisions about their new mattress. Following these simple tips to take care of a new mattress should help ensure that your mattress remains in good condition for years to come.

Avoid Placing Any Kind Of Weight On It

One of the best tips to take care of a new mattress is to avoid placing any kind of weight on it. When you lay down on a mattress for an extended period, you will put stress on the springs, which can cause them to become worn out over time. If you plan on laying down for long periods, then you might consider getting a non-cotton mattress.

Wash The Mattress At Least Once A Week

Another tip is to only wash the mattress at least once a week in a commercial washing machine. Even though the label says to only wash it once, many people do it more often. The worst thing that you can do is to wash the mattress when it has moisture in it. If you don’t do this, then the mattress can dry out and have mold and mildew buildup, which can be very bad for you. You should place the mattress in the laundry for dry cleaning once a week as well and this is how most people recycle mattresses.

The amount of care that you need to take with a new mattress will depend on the brand of mattress that you get. Some of the brands that are the most durable are known as memory foam. They provide very good support and comfort. They aren’t too firm and they are soft enough that you can’t tell that you are sleeping on a spring base. They can be used for years if you take proper care of them.

Your mattress should be cleaned by you every few months to remove any dust or other debris that may be on it. The general rule of thumb is to use hot water and a gentle cleaner that doesn’t contain any harsh chemicals. You want to make sure that you thoroughly dry off the mattress and then put it back into the sleep position. If you let the water soak in, you can end up having mold and mildew build up on the surface. If you are going to put the mattress in storage for a long period, you should let it air dry completely before putting it back in its original spot.


These are just a few tips to take care of a new mattress. It is a very important investment, so don’t cut corners. Don’t ever attempt to repair or fix a mattress on your own. There are too many things that can go wrong if you do. Always consult a professional mattress cleaning business before buying your new mattress and start taking good care of it today.

Author Bio:

Larry Alton is a blogger and passionate writer at She loves cooking and is fond of traveling.   

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