Shocking Statistics About Deaths From Auto Accidents

3 min read

Did you know that the Ford F-Series is the deadliest type of car to drive right now?

While car crashes are quite common, not many people take the time to consider how dangerous driving is.

Do you want to be an informed driver? Keep reading to learn 7 astonishing facts about deaths from auto accidents so you can always remember to be careful.

1.There Are Over 38,000 Deaths From Auto Accidents Each Year

Auto accidents claim the lives of over 38,000 Americans each year. When it comes to worldwide deaths, over 1.35 million people are claimed each year. This breaks down to almost 3,700 people dying every day.

2.America Has Much Higher Death Rates Than Other Western Countries

Many people are surprised to learn that Americans die at a 50% higher rate than people who live in Canada, Western Europe, and Australia. Some of the top causes of fatalities include drinking and driving, distracted driving, recklessness, and driving unsafe vehicles. This is why it’s essential for every driver to pay attention and wear a seatbelt.

3.Drinking and Driving Increases Your Risk of Fatality Seven Times

Every drink you have lowers your ability to navigates the roads. Anyone who drives with a blood alcohol content over 0.10 raises their risk of dying 7 times, not to mention the increased risk of harming others on the road as well.

4.Pedestrians, Cyclists, and Motorcyclists Are Most Vulnerable

Cars are manufactured to be as safe as possible nowadays. This means that anyone who is involved in a car crash without being inside of a car is most at risk of dying. You can learn more about motorcycle accidents and when you should call a personal injury lawyer in this article.

5.Car Crashes Are the Leading Cause of Death for People Under 30

When most people think about dying, they imagine heart attacks, strokes, cancers, and other illnesses. While these conditions are the top causes of death in general, younger people aren’t likely to experience them. The leading cause of death in people who are under 30 is car crashes.

6.South Carolina Is the Deadliest State in the Country

While Texas, California, and Florida report the highest amounts of death each year, you also have to factor in their big populations. When it comes to car crash deaths per person, South Carolina is the deadliest.

7.Men Are Three Times More Likely to Die Than Women

Have you ever wondered why men tend to have higher car insurance rates than women? This is because they’re more likely to have road rage and drive recklessly. As it turns out, being a man increases your risk of dying on the road three times.

Have You Been in a Traffic Accident?

The number of deaths from auto accidents is tragic because many of these could’ve been avoided. If you ever get into a car accident and you’re lucky enough to survive, don’t be afraid to contact a personal injury attorney so you can get the care you deserve.

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